How to seamlessly integrate Apple Reminders + Tick Tick

Описание к видео How to seamlessly integrate Apple Reminders + Tick Tick

If you switch this setting on, you can easily add tasks to your Tick Tick inbox by saying, "Hey Siri, Remind me to X."

If you're like me, the benefit of adding tasks to your to-do list seamlessly with this phrase should be a nice little quality of life improvement! It was one of the things I really missed when I switched from Things 3 to Tick Tick.*

I definitely prefer it to the alternative default method of adding tasks to Tick Tick via Siri (without using Apple Reminders as an intermediary), where you have to use some specific catchphrase via Shortcuts. That default option never quite works since Siri will ignore or mishear the catchphrase 4/10 times.

But Siri is really good at understanding the core commands that feed into Apple apps themselves -- like the commands for adding tasks to Reminders.

So we can leverage that to make our Tick Tick task management experience better! Hope this helps you!

*I used Todoist in-between but never found a good solution for this problem in that app, only janky IFTTT solutions.


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