[SSO#7] Kebra Ethiopia (South Africa)

Описание к видео [SSO#7] Kebra Ethiopia (South Africa)

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Sound System Outernational
in association with Sonic Street Technologies (SST)
proudly presents
Kebra Ethiopia (South Africa) for SSO#7 - Sound Systems at the Crossroads
Kebra Ethiopia Sound system (Glory to Africa) has been playing Reggae Roots music at township community parks for over ten years. It was established in Kwa-Thema, one of the townships located in the south-west of the East Rand in Gauteng, South Africa. By using Reggae music as a tool: it is a movement that concerns itself with community upliftment, socio-economic issues, ghetto living and spreading Pan African teachings. Throughout this activism it has been able to recruit and inspire the community: by offering a safe socializing space of meditation. The music communicates spiritually, thereby maintaining African pride embedding roots and culture with authentic integrity.


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