[22] Geode wall art - acrylic flip cup dirty pour

Описание к видео [22] Geode wall art - acrylic flip cup dirty pour

Wow, there are so many views on my previous geode painting and it was only my first try! As of today (4th May 2018) there are 1,083 views! This is my third geode piece, done as an experiment with acrylic paint using the technique of the dirty pour flip cup. I really love how it turned out so will be doing more like this in the future!
It's my first time doing a voice over too.

Global high flow Phthalo Green and Dragonfly Green
Global - Turquoise, White, Dusty, Mint, Sage
Semco Gold
Pouring medium - Floetrol plus Global pouring medium
No silicone added.
Assorted mixed media including glitters, mirror chips

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  / mauzycreations  
  / mauzy_creations  


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