Abandoned Military Base/ Decommissioned Mare Island Naval Shipyard

Описание к видео Abandoned Military Base/ Decommissioned Mare Island Naval Shipyard

Welcome to Wonderhussy Adventure #173!

Exploring a very creepy abandoned/decommissioned naval shipyard and military base on an island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay. Though the island is cluttered with abandoned warehouses and apartment buildings rotting away in the dank, damp marshes of the northeast bay, and despite the fact that part of this creepy island has been designated a toxic Superfund site (thanks to the Navy dumping lead batteries, munitions, oil and asbestos into a landfill in the marsh)...real estate in the Bay Area is so bonkers that even this toxic sump is worth a FORTUNE, and developers have already started building new houses on Mare Island...right in the midst of all that creepy decay!! It's amazing...people in the Bay Area are so desperate for "affordable" housing that they will buy a $700,000 crackerbox on a toxic sump surrounded by creepy abandoned warehouses.

urbex urban exploration shipyard military base abandoned bay area


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