New lightweight FLPHG setup Using cheap DLE170 engine powered hang glider,hang glider with engine

Описание к видео New lightweight FLPHG setup Using cheap DLE170 engine powered hang glider,hang glider with engine

Although this idea is originated in 1980s by European amateurs using older paramotor or motorcycle engines like Solo210 etc. But those engines are heavy and mounted back of light hang glider make it tail heavy so not so suitable for weight-shifting aircraft and not popular.

Recent years with the introduction of lightweight engines like dle 170cc(38kg thrust) ,This setup is becoming more practical and also much cheaper than present commercial power units.

With only 7-10 kg added weight to hang glider,overall still low wing loading ,make it slow and fun to fly, easy transporting and storage.

The ease of building also will gain popularity. Any hang glider pilot can fly in open air grassland nearby home and no need waiting for vacations to travel to clubs and mountains.

The pilot in video has less experience and this is a test flight, So you can see he dared not to press throttle.Full throttle is enough for fast climbing.

Some friends talk about CG/thrust line, My point is:This video is not me flying just reposting from Chinese media, I know all the main points. I am HG and trike and PPG pilot in China and used DLE 170 engine for several years.

Thrust line issue really not matter much, just look at the Poland popkolot design, the thrust line also can not satisfy your pickies, but still fly better than you.

If you already have expensive gears, don’t be mad and regret.Go on fly your gears more and get every penny out of it. But think it seriously, do you really feel comfortable moving around on ground when tied to a long and heavy tail like Mosquito?

If Chinese successful flying video using Chinese engine make you uncomfortable, watch the 90’s Poland ones.Link at bottom.

My recommended improvements and opinions include :

1: Move gas tank forward to above your head position or even further to make better balance.
2:The engine bracket also can move a little forward for balance as long as propeller not touch the two steel cables at back.
3.The engine in video used electric start 170M,I would prefer using the hand propell started DLE170 for 1.5kg less weight(5720g vs 4280g, and around 500g more weight saving counting starter li-po battery and thicker power wires etc.). Engine mounted this way is safe and convenient to hand start.
4.For heavy or suspicious pilots there is a bigger engine for you to consider: DLE222(wt.5710g, 51kg thrust ). I think enough to fly 100kg guys.
5.As mentioned above,adjust thrust line pointing to CG.

Original 90s flight video here:named popkolot,should be a Poland idea

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