FS2020✈️ | GSX PRO Push in to stand at EDLW Dortmund | FENIX320

Описание к видео FS2020✈️ | GSX PRO Push in to stand at EDLW Dortmund | FENIX320

In EDLW some of the stands (5-12) use push in to stand after landing. This has been recreated for GSX PRO by user arpalaiol from flightsim.to, great job here.
This video shows how this is done. Apart from the voicemessages telling you to start engine etc, its working perfectly great.

Link to profile here: https://flightsim.to/file/75890/gsx-p...

Link to freeware scenery here: https://flightsim.to/file/51183/regio...


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