Описание к видео ULTRA RICH Women ACTUALLY Buy FAKE BAGS!

Are you as shocked as I am to learn that ultra rich women BUY FAKE DESIGNER HANDBAGS???

Who am I?
Hi I'm LadyVintageBags! I'm a VINTAGE DESIGNER HANDBAG LOVER here to show you that YOU can not only OWN but EVEN COLLECT beautiful DESIGNER HANDBAGS on a BUDGET by buying VINTAGE!!! So if you LOVE preloved, vintage or affordable designer handbags, then hit subscribe and stick around because I'm your girl! In this video we talk about the replica designer bags and how even the ultra rich women buy fake designer handbags!

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My favourite Japanese re-seller:
Brand JFA Direct Website: https://brandjfa.com/ (direct website) - cheaper if you buy direct! eBay AU store: https://www.ebay.com.au/str/brand-jfa
eBay USA store: https://www.ebay.com/str/brand-jfa

Cashback websites
https://www.rakuten.com/ (I use the phone app)

Instagram: ladyvintagebags   / ladyvintagebags  
Facebook: Ladyvintagebags   / ladyvintagebags  
YT:    / @ladyvintagebags  

#replicabags #fakedesignerbags For business inquiries: [email protected] For business inquiries: [email protected]


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