Ace Combat 5 (Emulated) - M26: Sea of Chaos

Описание к видео Ace Combat 5 (Emulated) - M26: Sea of Chaos

Two world powers pitting their mighty fleets against us, the unknown and unsung. And they. Get. Rekt. Anderson's playing the wrong tune: he should have been blasting the March of the Resistance.

Naval combat at its finest. The enemy ships and aircraft may lack the aggressiveness both have in ACX's Armada, but their distribution is far more balanced - my only gripe is the aircraft spawning at your 12 o'clock, which can drag you away from the naval battle, but that's avoidable. And really, as much as I'm a gameplay-first kind of guy, this mission strikes all the right emotional chords with me. Not so much the music or the cheesy international friendship, but the resistance and counterattack against superior might, against superpowers, the world order and the odds be damned - hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng.


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