Описание к видео [SEASON 8] Aatrox BUILD AND COMBO

Aatrox build and combo.
It`s a knowledge video about champions.

Blood Well

Aatrox fills up his Blood Well through his abilities. When filled, Aatrox becomes Hellbent for as long as he stays in combat with champions or monsters, granting him attack damage, attack speed, and the ability to survive fatal damage.

Dark Flight

Cost: No Cost
Range: 25000

Aatrox takes flight and slams down at a targeted location, dealing damage and knocking up enemies at the center of impact.

Aatrox takes flight and slams down at target location, dealing 20/50/80/110/140 (+110% Attack Damage) physical damage and knocking up enemies at the center of impact for 1 second.Aatrox fills up 20% of the Blood Well upon cast.
Blood Thirst / Blood Price

Cost: No Cost
Range: 1

While toggled on Aatrox deals bonus damage and fills a portion of his Blood Well every third subsequent attack. While toggled off Aatrox restores Health every third subsequent attack.

Toggle Off:
Blood Thirst: Every third attack, Aatrox restores 30/45/60/75/90 (+[{{ f1*100 }}]% Missing Health) Health.
Toggle On: Blood Price: Every third attack, Aatrox deals 50/85/120/155/190 (+75% bonus Attack Damage) bonus physical damage and fills up 20% of the Blood Well.
Blades of Torment

Cost: 30 Health
Range: 1000

Aatrox unleashes the power of his blade, dealing damage to enemies hit and slowing them.

Aatrox unleashes the power of his blade, dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+70% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds.Aatrox fills up 20% of the Blood Well upon cast.

Cost: No Cost
Range: 550

Aatrox draws in the blood of his foes, damaging all nearby enemy champions around him and gaining increased Attack Speed and bonus Attack Range for a short duration.

Aatrox draws in the blood of his foes, dealing 200/300/400 (+100% Ability Power) magic damage to nearby enemy champions, filling up 20% of the Blood Well for each hit.Aatrox gains 40/50/60% Attack Speed and 225 attack range for 12 seconds upon cast.


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