What's New in Minecraft Java Edition 1.13 Pre-release 10?

Описание к видео What's New in Minecraft Java Edition 1.13 Pre-release 10?

Pre-release 10? What is this madness!? Here's an overview of definitely the last pre-release for Minecraft 1.13 (probably) (maybe). #minecraftemployee

slicedlime works as a Tech Lead for Minecraft at Mojang, but the YouTube and Twitch channels are personal projects run entirely in his spare time.

Official announcement: https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/m...

Minecraft news playlist:    • Minecraft News  

What's New in Minecraft 1.12?    • What's New in Minecraft 1.12?  

The Minecraft JIRA (bug tracker): https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC

If you want to play this pre-release, choose the "Latest Snapshot" profile in your launcher. Keep in mind that snapshots are unstable - they can break your world if you are unlucky - keep backups!

Changes in this version:
World upgrades:
"Optimize world" button: A world converter that runs before playing the game:
Fixed world decoration not appearing on seemingly random quarter chunks
Old world's edges not getting populated by the new world generator
Fixed ocean monuments cutting off icebergs

Fixed the lowest level of flowing water not moving mobs
Fixed mobs getting stuck on flowing water
Fixed water and lava influencing the flow direction of each other when touching
Fixed coral fans and dead coral fans never dropping as an item
Normal corals now require silk touch as well
Fixed dead bubble coral fans looking like dead brain coral fans

Fixed /replaceitem not working with chests and hopper minecarts
Fixed /execute if blocks only returning 1/0 for "result"

Stability and Performance:
Improved performance
Fixed the game crashing when creating a void superflat world, entering the end, or creating a floating islands buffet world

Music: "Weightless" by Crinkles (https://crinklesmusic.bandcamp.com) and outro music "The Fire" by Amarante (http://amarante.bandcamp.com) licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...)


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