J.Chr. Bach - Wer Gott vertraut - Trost organ (1730), Waltershausen, Hauptwerk

Описание к видео J.Chr. Bach - Wer Gott vertraut - Trost organ (1730), Waltershausen, Hauptwerk

Johann Christoph Bach (1642 – 1703) was a German composer and organist. He was an older cousin of Johann Sebastian Bach, who would later describe him as "the profound composer", suggesting a solid reputation not only within the family but also in wider musical society. He was born in Arnstadt and he died in Eisenach. He was organist at the Georgenkirche in Eisenach and he was member of the Ducal court. He wrote many smaller organ works and some beautiful vocal works of which the lamento 'Ach, dass ich Wassers g'nug hätte' probably is the most famous.

Three pieces in Neumeister’s manuscript bear the ascription “J. C. Bach”. Since so many of the pieces in this manuscript were composed by Johann Michael Bach, it is an obvious supposition that Johann Michael’s older brother, Johann Christoph Bach is meant. However, it is not certain and a fair number of the Bach family, all bearing the initials “J. C.” could be meant by Neumeister’s ascription. This piece is more a chorale harmonisation than a chorale prelude.
(source: Partitura Organum)

Another recording on the sample set of the Trost organ of Waltershausen. It's very nice to discover all kind of unusual registrations on this organ/set, like I probably did in this piece. I liked to use a firm 16' registration as base to picture the first sentence of this hymn "Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohl gebaut im Himmel und auf Erden" (English translation: Who trusts in God, a strong abode in heaven and earth possesses).

Sample set by OrganArt Media:

Sheet music by Partitura Organum:


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