Infantile Spasms/ West Syndrome Awareness: Unusual Baby Twitches, Seizures, Jerking, Epilepsy

Описание к видео Infantile Spasms/ West Syndrome Awareness: Unusual Baby Twitches, Seizures, Jerking, Epilepsy

This awareness video is made up of a collection of video clips from parents in the UK who have children who have been diagnosed with Infantile Spasms, also known as West Syndrome.
This rare condition presents itself in babies typically between the ages of 4-12 months. The repetitive, jerking jack- knife like movements or twitches can sometimes happen in clusters. The subtle spasms can be accompanied by eye-rolls and involuntary arm movements above the baby’s head. Spasms may occur when waking or falling asleep or when eating but can happen at any time. Eyes can appear vacant and unresponsive during the seizures. The baby may also drop their head forward at the same time. The condition is recognised as an Epileptic condition, although different to many types of Epilepsy in that the prognosis is very much dependent on early diagnosis and treatment.
The condition may look similar to the symptoms of Reflux, Sandfiers syndrome, hypnic jerks or could easily be dismissed as usual baby movements.
If you suspect your child may be making movements similar to those in the video – video it, go to A&E and request a prompt EEG


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