烤玉米姑娘漂亮,小白买光她的玉米,制造机会搭讪聊天!Xiaobai bought the girl's corn and learned about her difficulties in life~

Описание к видео 烤玉米姑娘漂亮,小白买光她的玉米,制造机会搭讪聊天!Xiaobai bought the girl's corn and learned about her difficulties in life~

Netizens said~ The roasted corn girl is very beautiful, Xiaobai went to take care of her business after knowing it, bought all the corn, and created an opportunity to chat before she knew...网友说~烤玉米姑娘长得很漂亮,小白知道后去照顾她生意,买完所有玉米,制造机会搭讪聊天,才知道...#相亲#娶老婆#非洲媳妇#外国媳妇#中国人娶外国媳妇
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