How to Speedrun Breath of the Wild’s Great Plateau (Beginner Tutorial)

Описание к видео How to Speedrun Breath of the Wild’s Great Plateau (Beginner Tutorial)

Timestamps for the Route:
0:00 Intro
0:32 Before Starting
1:30 Shrine of Resurrection
3:18 Temple of Time
5:44 Travelling to Bombs
7:50 Entering Bombs
9:03 Bombs Shrine Interior
10:36 Travelling to Magnesis
12:00 Entering Magnesis
12:37 Magnesis Shrine Interior
13:35 Travelling to Stasis
15:38 Entering Stasis
16:21 Stasis Shrine Interior
16:52 Travelling to Cryonis
17:59 Entering Cryonis
18:27 Cryonis Shrine Interior
18:59 Paraglider
19:46 Outro

Timestamps for Glitch Tutorials:
2:09 Scope Clip
4:14 Shield Clip
5:44 Bow Lift Smuggle Slide (BLSS)
7:27 Fall Damage Cancel (FDC)

BMSC Plateau or the New Plateau is a route that has arose due to BLSS. I started making this tutorial around a month after it was found, but I was very busy and it took a lot of time to make. Fast-forward to now, it's finally completed and I'm thrilled to share it with you. I hope this video helped you learn to speedrun this amazing game.

My Twitch:   / futurelander  

In-Depth Tutorials:
Windbombs:    • Windbomb Guides  
Shield Clips:    • The Ultimate Shield Clip Guide (BOTW ...  
BLSS:    • Bow Lift Smuggling, Hovering | BotW G...  

BotW Speedrunning Discord:   / discord  

#botw #newplat #speedrun #greatplateau #tutorial #newroute #howtospeedrunbotw #botwspeedruntutorial


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