UPSC Prelims 2020 Paper-1 | Paper Analysis with Expected Cutoff by Pawan Sir

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=== Live Classes Schedule (Mon-Fri) from 1st September ===

✿ UPSC CSE 2020 Morning Shows:
07:00 AM - Critical Analysis by Durgesh Sir
Playlist :-    • 11:00 AM - Critical Analysis with Dur...  
08:00 AM - Current Affairs Show by Sumit Sir
Playlist :-    • 8:00 AM - UPSC CSE 2020 | Current Aff...  
09:15 AM - The Hindu Editorial by Ashirwad Sir
Playlist :-    • The Hindu Editorial Analysis for IAS ...  
10:15 AM - FOCUS @10 AM by Pawan Sir
Playlist :-    • FOCUS @10 AM by Pawan Sir  

✿ MISSION IAS 2021 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday):-
11:00 AM - Economics by Ashirwad Sir
Playlist :-    • 6:00 PM - MISSION IAS 2021 | Economic...  
02:00 PM - World Geography by Sumit Sir
Playlist :-    • MISSION IAS 2021 | World Geography by...  
04:00 PM - Polity by Pawan Sir
Playlist :-    • 4:00 PM - UPSC EDGE 2.0 for Prelims 2...  
05:00 PM - Scheme/Reports/Indices by Siddharth Sir (Monday)
05:00 PM - Defence and Security by Siddharth Sir (Wednesday)
Playlist :-    • UPSC CSE 2020 | International Relatio...  
07:00 PM - Ancient History by Durgesh Sir
Playlist :-    • MISSION IAS 2021 | Ancient History by...  
08:00 PM - NCERT By Rajani Ma'am (Mon-Sat)
Playlist :-    • 8:00 PM - MISSION IAS 2021 | NCERT by...  

✿ UPSC Edge 2020 (General Studies Paper-I) (Thursday, Friday):
11:00 AM - Economics by Ashirwad Sir
Playlist :-    • UPSC CSE 2020-21 | Economy Current Af...  
01:00 PM - Science and Tech Sumant Sir
Playlist :-    • 1:00 PM - UPSC EDGE 2.0 for Prelims 2...  
02:00 PM - Geography by Sumit Sir
Playlist :-    • 2:00 PM - UPSC EDGE 2.0 for Prelims 2...  
04:00 PM - Polity by Pawan Sir
Playlist :-    • 4:00 PM - UPSC EDGE 2.0 for Prelims 2...  
05:00 PM - IR by Siddharth Sir
Playlist : -   • UPSC CSE 2020 | International Relatio...  
07:00 PM - Medieval History by Durgesh Sir
Playlist :-    • 7:00 PM - UPSC EDGE 2.0 for Prelims 2...  

✿ Other Special Classes:
01:00 PM - Polity by Sumant Sir (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
Playlist:-    • IAS 2021 & 2022 | Indian Polity Laxmi...  
05:00 PM - Mapping on Google Rarth (state wise) by Siddharth Sir (Tuesday)

✿ Weekend Special Classes (Sat & Sun):
08:00 AM - Current Affairs by Sumit Sir
09:15 AM - The Hindu Editorial by Ashirwad Sir

✿ Weekend Special Classes (Sunday):
03:00 PM - Weekly Current Power Capsule by Siddharth Sir
Playlist :-    • Weekly Current Power Capsule by Siddh...  

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