Snowfall In Changsha, China | Walking In The Biggest Snow In Recent Years | 4K HDR | 长沙暴雪

Описание к видео Snowfall In Changsha, China | Walking In The Biggest Snow In Recent Years | 4K HDR | 长沙暴雪

It could be Changsha's biggest snow in 21st Century.

Oh, my friend, it's my first to shoot a heavy snowfall and I love this shooting job very much!

When eating in Changsha there is nothing better than a plate of stinky tofu (chou dofu) or soo-yo-bing bought right off the street. If you have just arrived, be wary of eating from street vendors. Although the inviting aroma of food cooking may be too tempting to resist, you better have a strong stomach if you do not want to get an upset one.

Transport in Changsha

Changsha lies at the centre of Central China, and it is important for the traffic between the south and the north in China.

With a long history, Changsha became the first historical and cultural Chinese city. Changsha has many attractions, most notably Yuelu Academy, Ma Wangdui, Kaifu Temple and Tianxin Pavilion.

Changsha is a place where Chairman Mao used to study and live. Also to be found here are the former residences of Liu Shaoqi, Hu Yaobang and Zhu Rongji. What's more, it's known as the cradle of the revolution; the great man's home town.

Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, is a famous ancient city with a history of 3,500 years. It used to be a place of strategic importance in the Kingdom of Chu, and a famous prefecture of the Qin Dynasty (221BC-207BC). Now Changsha is an important city with historical and cultural relics, and an ideal destination of tourists in Hunan province.

Though 3,500 years have elapsed after the founding of Changsha city, people can still feel the past prosperity of the ancient city from a great number of historical remains in the city. A woman corpse that has been well preserved for more than 2,000 years astonished the world along with the discovery of over 3,000 precious cultural relics which were excavated from the Han tombs in Mangwangdui, making people in the world gasp in admiration at the ancient civilization created by the ancient Chinese people. Yuelu Academy, one of the four most famous academies in China, is widely accepted to be among the oldest academies in the world.

Changsha is closely related to a great number of celebrities, including Qu Yuan, Jia Yi, Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, to name just a few; and Hunan First Normal College, the meeting venue of the Autumn Harvest Uprising, Qingshui Pool and other historic sites remind tourists of the old stories.
There are also many natural scenic spots, including the Mount Yuelu which is pregnant with beauty and vitality, the Xiangjiang River that flows through the whole city from south to north with the picturesque Orange Isle quietly lying in it. All these jointly compose a melodious song.

Head straight to Snake Alley for the best point-and-eat in the city for merely pennies.

Choices and a sampling of regional foods of the country. Long established and well-regarded, this cozy and rustic restaurant stays bustling through the wee morning hours as food enthusiasts, businessmen, and families with their children flock to this fun food court.

Do not be fooled though by the fast-food style of ordering (prepared food is displayed at various stations, your orders are placed by a hole punched on your menu card and then served freshly prepared within minutes of ordering), the food here is superb.

0:00 Intro
1:23 Snow walking in Downtown Changsha
40:16 Alley walking



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