Seas The Day Adaptive Surf Program 1080WebShareName

Описание к видео Seas The Day Adaptive Surf Program 1080WebShareName

Seas The Day is a Sheboygan, Wisconsin based adaptive surfing program designed for young people with a range of disabilities including autism, down syndrome, blindness and a variety of other issues that might discourage them from surfing. The program was conceived by Carolyne van Deventer of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. It was hosted at Sheboygan's north side beach as part of the Sheboygan Area School District's Innovator Fellowship Program partnership between Jake's Cafe and North High School. Carolyne's mentor was Tryg Jacobson, who was president of Jake's Cafe at the time. Other local organizations including EOS Surf Shop and Sailing Education Association of Sheboygan (SEAS) partnered with Carolyne providing the surf equipment, wet suits and volunteers to make the program a success. The program is now in its third year and has grown substantially. While Carolyne is returning to college, her parents Bart and Anne Marie van Deventer and sisters will continue to organize and host the program.


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