THOMAS/BATMAN (a fan film by Chris .R. Notarile)

Описание к видео THOMAS/BATMAN (a fan film by Chris .R. Notarile)


After the murder of his son, and the subsequent unraveling of his wife's sanity, Thomas Wayne embarks on a violent journey to becoming Gotham City's Darkest Knight.


The second I decided I wanted to make a Martha Wayne Joker movie, I knew I would inevitably make a Thomas Wayne Batman follow. This couple is two sides of the same coin and you cannot make one origin without the other. But whereas Martha/Joker was about her decent into madness, Thomas/Batman is about embrace of darkness.Thomas Wayne's Batman is the Darkest Knight, and I wanted to show his willingness to become it. Bruce always able to walk the fine line between vigilantism and executioner. He has a strict code and sticks to it (despite what any DCEU fanboys may try to argue). But Thomas has no code, and I wanted to show his forging of that lack or morality. For all intents and purposes Thomas' Batman is the Punisher, with a mask and cape. And that was kind of my approach to the character.

We open with Thomas waking up after an unseen attack from Martha. It is here, the birth of the Batman occurs. A blunt, apathetic persona that becomes a driving force inside Thomas' mind. And with Thomas being in such a stressed out & fragile state after losing Bruce, Alfred and essentially Martha, within such a short span of time, it makes perfect sense that his mind would create this coping mechanism.

Another thing I wanted to do with this short was a little Flashpoint world building. Many things were altered in this timeline and I wanted to acknowledge as much as I could, as well as honor all the Batmen who have come before. Much like I did with Martha/Joker, there are Easter eggs and references sprinkled throughout.

85% of this short was filmed in one day, specifically all the solo Thomas scenes. Minus a few external disruptions at the cave, and some audio issues from a ghost who clearly didn't get my DO NOT DISTURB memo from last time, it was a pretty easy shoot. The real task was filming the Batman scene. The suit was a little on the stiff side and created limited mobility for Tom Proprofsky. So I had to do some creative editing to pull off the shots.


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