Bonjour Challenges - Short Movie

Описание к видео Bonjour Challenges - Short Movie

As international students, we face many challenges, whether it is
language barriers, finding accommodation, or just fitting in and making
new friends.
In our video, we will be showing some of the aspects of life as an
international student living in France, we gathered some data using
surveys along with some interviews, and of course, our own experience
in a new country.
We tried to make it all under 15 minutes, it wasn’t easy, there was so
much to talk about, but we made it, and we want to share with you this
summary report of our findings.
The 15-minute video project provides an immersive glimpse into the
lives of international students at our university. It begins with an
introduction showcasing our institution, portraying international
students in an academic context. The video delves into the challenges
faced, capturing struggles with bank account creation,
accommodation, language barriers, and navigating everyday tasks.
Supported by Google survey insights and interviews with six
international students, it authentically portrays their experiences.
The video concludes with gratitude and references.
Our five-member team meticulously planned the video project.
Brainstorming sessions sparked ideas, followed by detailed
scriptwriting, storyboarding, and concept development, ensuring a
cohesive and impactful visual narrative. For our project, we utilized
iPhone 15, 14, and 13 Pro smartphones along with laptops. Editing
was done using CapCut Pro, while Canva aided in creating posters
and video covers.
The filming process spanned diverse locations including Jardin de
Plant, IAE, St. Serge Library, St. Serge Carrefour, Angers City
Centre, Societe Generale Bank entrance, and around Angers Ice
Park. A structured shooting schedule ensured coverage of various
aspects. Employing varied techniques—mono and multiple camera
angles, close-up, point of view, and full shots—we captured authentic
experiences. Utilizing auto videography, structured interviews, and
meticulous sound recording, we depicted a compelling and immersive
narrative. Despite challenges posed by cold weather, noise
disturbances, and varying lighting conditions, we adapted by using
additional equipment for sound control and adjusting filming
schedules to optimize conditions.
In conclusion, our video reassures international students that shared
struggles are normal. We encourage reaching out for support—it's
readily available, fostering a sense of unity and well-being.


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