I wanted to like it The Mars Assault Vehicle.

Описание к видео I wanted to like it The Mars Assault Vehicle.

I wanted to like The Mars Assault Vehicle.
One of the most formidable vehicles ever built, the Mars dedicates more than half its weight to weapons, ammunition, and associated systems. Popular legend attributes the design of the tank to ilKhan Winson himself, but even if this were the case, little remains in the current version of the original configuration created more than two centuries ago.

Carrying more than eleven tons of advanced-composite armor, the Mars can sustain multiple hits with minimal risk of penetration. A general-purpose ECM unit degrades the abilities of many of the sophisticated fire-control systems an enemy force is likely to use, further reducing the chances of a successful hit. This armor protection and vast weapons array, however, has the unfortunate result of making the Mars ponderously slow and incapable of withdrawing from a fight. A CRG Gauss rifle serves as the vehicle´s main gun, while a coaxial large laser allows the Mars to snipe out to ranges at which Gauss slugs would likely be wasted. A hull-mounted 150mm LB-X autocannon provides devastating anti-vehicle firepower, but the gun can be raised only 10 degrees above horizontal and is of minimal use against aerial targets. Three Artemis-slaved long-range missile packs give the Mars the ability to deliver devastating barrages, but only one ton of ammunition per launcher dictates that the LRMs be held in reserve until a critical juncture in the fight. The Mars also carries a number of systems designed to defend the vehicle. Turret-mounted machine guns provide an effective anti-infantry weapon, while side-mounted SRM Streak launchers discourage opponents from exploiting the tank´s weaker side and rear armor. The crew operates from two self-contained compartments linked by a tactical coordination system. The driver sits in an armored cockpit in the nose of the vehicle and, in addition to looking though the armored view slit, wears a sophisticated helmet that presents navigation information on the Heads Up Display (HUD). The gunner and commander sit in a second compartment beneath the turret.

Occupying the same battlefield niche as heavy- and assault-class BattleMechs, the Mars is a common sight among active garrison Clusters. While most Clans replace vehicles only as needed, Clan Hell´s Horses maintains an almost constant production of the Mars.

Clan Hell´s Horses are currently conducting limited experiments with a modified version of the Mars. Once again going against standard Clan practice, they have rebuilt the engine compartments of two vehicles and replaced their power plants with 300-rated XL fusion engines. They have also removed the machine guns and their ammunition and have downgraded the armor by a half-ton. These modifications increase the vehicles´ flank speed to a respectable 54 kph. The Horses expect to begin field-testing this variant in the next few months.


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