Scientists with their inventions that revolutionize the World ||

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Scientists with their inventions that revolutionize the World:
Scientists with their inventions that revolutionize the World || #knowledge #Scientists

#knowledge #facts

🇮🇹 Galileo Galilei — Telescope
🇬🇷 Archimedes — Lever
🇬🇧 Isaac Newton — Calculus
🇩🇪 Albert Einstein — E=mc²

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 Alexander Graham Bell — Telephone
🇵🇱 🇫🇷 Marie Curie — Radioactivity
🇩🇪 Werner Heisenberg — Uncertainty Principle
🇺🇸 Thomas Edison — Light Bulb

🇬🇧 Charles Darwin — Evolution
🇳🇱 Anton van Leeuwenhoek — Microscope
🇺🇸 Thomas Edison — Phonograph
🇩🇪 Johannes Gutenberg — Printing Press

🇨🇦 Sir Frederick Banting — Insulin
🇺🇸 Benjamin Franklin — Lightning Rod
🇸🇪 Alfred Nobel — Dynamite
🇷🇺 Dmitri Mendeleev — Periodic Table

🇺🇸 Robert Oppenheimer — Atomic Bomb
🇬🇧 James Watt — Steam Engine
🇦🇹 Sigmund Freud — Psychoanalysis
🇸🇪 Carl Linnaeus — Binomial Nomenclature

🇩🇪 Robert Koch — Bacteriology
🇺🇸 Carl Sagan — Pioneer of Exobiology
🇫🇷 🇵🇱 Pierre and Marie Curie — Radioactive Elements
🇮🇳 A.P.J. Abdul Kalam — Missile Technology

🇬🇧 Rosalind Franklin — DNA Structure
🇺🇸 Richard Feynman, — Quantum Electrodynamics
🇦🇹 Gregor Mendel — Laws of Inheritance
🇬🇧 Francis Crick — DNA Structure
🇩🇪 Otto Hahn — Nuclear Fission
🇸🇪 Anders Celsius — Celsius Temperature Scale

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