Canvas Board Game Review: Best Beginner Board Game & Best Set Collection Game | Canvas Painting Game

Описание к видео Canvas Board Game Review: Best Beginner Board Game & Best Set Collection Game | Canvas Painting Game

Canvas Board Game Review Results:
Gold Recliner=GOAT Recommendation
Specifically In:
Best Beginner Board Game GOAT
Best Drafting Board Game GOAT
Best Set Collection Game GOAT

Throughout this Canvas Board Game Review, I will explain why I consider Canvas the best beginner board game, the best set collection game, and possibly the best board game of all time. Canvas-a set collection game where you create fun pieces of art-never fails to bring smiles and relaxation. Impressively, this game will in almost any situation with a large player count. Thus, I would award Canvas the best two player board game, the best beginner board game, the best couples board game, the best large group board game, the best kids board game, and the best board game for family. Including absolutely beautiful art and mechanics, Canvas defies the competition for the best set collection game, the best strategy board game, and the best hand management game.

Canvas Board Game Review:
00:00 Intro to Canvas Game Review
00:09 Section 1: Feel of Canvas=Bob-Ross Painting
01:30 Section 2: Main Mechanic of Canvas=Market Drafting
02:04 Section 3: Canvas Review
02:56 Replayability
03:48 Masterability: Game Lowpoint
04:57 Novelty
06:07 Synergy
06:42 Simplicity
07:45 Universality
08:15 Theme Mechanics: Game Highlight
09:22 Theme Art: Game Highlight
10:58 Thought
11:42 Energy
11:52 Final Score
Outro to Canvas Board Game Review

Where to Purchase the Canvas Online:

Other Fantastic Canvas Reviews:
For a More in Depth Rules Overview: The Dice Tower
   • Canvas Review - with Tom Vasel  


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