Dark Tales / Geirskögul - Warbringer

Описание к видео Dark Tales / Geirskögul - Warbringer

Hy my friends !

I have write and create the lyrics.
The music have make by IA Suno : https://suno.com

I hope you have enjoy this !

Lyrics :
In the far reaches of the northern land
In a realm entirely lost to man
Of a warrior tribe, sons of Thor’s might
A girl with nerves of steel was born in the light

Raised to the war songs fierce and bold
A mistress of a spear of iron cold
Rising high in battles’ fray
In combat, her might held sway

After decades of battle and strife
Her life did end, lost to the fight
But before the Queen of Hell's dark gate
Her knee refused to bend to fate
Acknowledged by the God of War
She was revived, stronger than before
With heavenly armor and wings unfurled
The first Valkyrie was born to the world

Stríðsengillinn er kominn í dag
Með spjóti sterkum og hjarta úr stáli
Líkami stríðs
Svo falli eins og Damókleis sverð
Enginn kemst undan reiði hennar
Frá himninum kemur hin ógnvekjandi

Roaming the battlefields, tolling the bell
No foe could withstand, none could repel
Goddess of combat, of carnage and might
Her arrival brings terror and fright

With wings spread wide
Seeking foes worldwide
Upholder of justice
Symbol of the North
Angel of Valhalla’s might
Before no foe does she bow

Stríðsengillinn er kominn í dag
Með spjóti sterkum og hjarta úr stáli
Líkami stríðs
Svo falli eins og Damókleis sverð
Enginn kemst undan reiði hennar
Frá himninum kemur hin ógnvekjandi

Stríðsengillinn er kominn í dag
Með endanlegu spjóti og hjarta úr stáli
Fljúgandi yfir landi og hafi
Könnun á löndum fjarlægum og frjálsum
Sannur stríðsgyðja
Við komu hennar, beygðu þig
Hin fullkomna Valkyrja




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