Enid Blyton – how a British author captivated children across generations and languages

Описание к видео Enid Blyton – how a British author captivated children across generations and languages

Enid Blyton is one of the world’s most well-known and prolific authors of children’s literature. Her book series have entertained children across the globe and across generations for almost a century. What exactly is it that makes her books so appealing to young audiences, even today? And are German children reading an entirely different version of Enid Blyton, due to the translation? Are her books a bit old-fashioned by today’s standards, or is there still something to be gained by reading her today? And can she be said to have had a significant influence on German-British relations?

The discussion will draw on findings from a recent conference called “Writing a British Childhood in a Global Context? Critical Perspectives on Enid Blyton” which focused on her work and its international reception. The conference was organised by Dr. Stefanie Jakobi (University of Bremen), Dr. Aileen Behrendt (University of Potsdam) and Dr. Hadassah Stichnothe (University of Bremen) as a cooperation between the University of Bremen and the University of Potsdam.

Video recording of a zoom event held on 3 December 2024.

The event was organised by the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.


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