Knightcote Lifeboat Day - 15/05/2022

Описание к видео Knightcote Lifeboat Day - 15/05/2022

On 15th May 2022 the Knightcote Model Boat Club based in Warwickshire held a lifeboat day to raise funds for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). Lifeboat enthusiasts brought along their radio-controlled model lifeboats for a communal sailing. The first part of this video is taken aboard a 1/12 scale representative model of Salcombe’s former Tyne class lifeboat 47-022 RNLB The Baltic Exchange II. The second part of the video is taken using a land base camera.
Seen in both videos are a selection of various classes of life boat including:
Tyne, Solent, Watson, Waveney, Clyde, Atlantic85, Severn, Arun, Trent, Brede.

Music is provided under the Creative Commons licence v4 by Crowlander. Song Titles in order are: Everlasting, Head Down, Changing the Weath, Tracy's Leaving, Early Sun, Walking in the Rain, Who Would Have & Hugging. The music is looped when video is longer than 20 minutes.(


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