TEQnation 2024: Sustainable Software: May the Green Code Be with You - Marco Kuiper

Описание к видео TEQnation 2024: Sustainable Software: May the Green Code Be with You - Marco Kuiper

In a galaxy not so far away, software development is taking on an eco-friendly twist! Join me for a journey into the world of Green Software Development, where we explore how the Force of sustainability can be harnessed to create a better, greener future for software and the planet.

We'll fly away to various topics, including:
The Green Side of Code: Discover the fundamental principles of Green Software Development and how they can lead to reduced energy consumption, lower carbon footprints, and more environmentally responsible software.
Eco-Jedi Tools: Explore the tools and techniques at the heart of Green Software Development, including energy-efficient coding practices and sustainable development methodologies.
Carbon Emissions and the Dark Side: Learn about the environmental impact of software and how we can combat the "Dark Side" of excessive energy consumption with eco-conscious programming.
Ewoks vs. Energy Efficiency: Are you building your software like the energy-efficient Ewoks or the resource-hungry Death Star?
The Path to a Greener Future: We'll discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead on our journey toward a more sustainable software galaxy and how you can be a part of it.

Join me for an engaging and informative presentation where we combine the power of technology and the wisdom of the Jedi to bring balance to the software development Force. Together, we'll ensure that the code is green, and our planet is preserved for generations to come. May the Green Code Be with You!


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