Bart has the ability to see ghosts!

Описание к видео Bart has the ability to see ghosts!

Bart has the ability to see ghosts
The Simpsons first appeared on The Tracy Woolman Show in 1987 and later became part of the show. After three seasons of airing, the sketch was developed as a 30-minute prime-time program, becoming Fox's early hit, and has been on air since its debut in December 1989.
It is an American animated television series produced by cartoonist Matthew Abram Groening, which is the longest-running weekly television series in American television history and is praised for recreating the style of American animated
Bart Simpson was selected as the "100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century" by Time magazine, and 20 years ago, he was selected as one of the 20 most influential people in the culture and arts field of this century by Time magazine.
Recently, Homer Simpson was inducted into the National Baseball Major League Hall of Fame (HoF) to mark the 25th anniversary of the airing of "Homer at the bat," which featured popular baseball stars in 1992.
The Simpsons' is a satire that criticall satirizes American and domestic society through a family and fictional town of Springfield, featuring typical American middle-class family life, with 31 unusual Emmy Awards and 30 Annie Awards.


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