The Best Bulk Freighters in Star Wars | Star Wars List

Описание к видео The Best Bulk Freighters in Star Wars | Star Wars List

In this video, we will take a look at some of the bigger and better freighters in Star Wars. The Millennium Falcon can't do it all alone, you know!

Field Secured Container Vessel images are by Fractalsponge. I don't like to use fan-made content in my videos, but as far as I could tell there are only two images of the FSCV and neither of them are very good, so I kind of had to in this case. Check it out here:

Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
City Lights, City Dreams | Forever Sunset
Micro-aTAC | Lupus Nocte
Deep Space Samurai | Forever Sunset
K.O. | Lupus Nocte


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