Absolute Higher Self Connection - Divine Sovereignity - Subliminal Affirmations

Описание к видео Absolute Higher Self Connection - Divine Sovereignity - Subliminal Affirmations

hello earthling are you finally ready to connect with your higher self?
ready to become a true sovereign being?
ready to connect with the divine consciousnesses?
affirmations includes:
👑absolute higher self connection
👑remove torment , remove testment (more info here    • THE EVENT 2018 - Code for Our Higher ...  )
👑remove AI
👑remove AI consciousness
👑break free from the matrix
👑absolute freedom
👑divine consciousness
👑Akashic records cleanse
👑source energy
👑divine energy
👑26 dimensions energy
👑higher vibration
👑cosmic divine truth
👑divine protection
👑become more spiritual more spiritual life
👑divine love energy
👑unlock all your potential
👑Gaia energy
👑Gaia ascension
👑nothing can interfere with your progression
👑healing energy
👑one with everything
👑nature realm energy
👑solar energy
👑higher state of being
👑divine knowledge
👑purify your soul
👑block negative energies,entities ,people from your life
👑heaven's energy
👑peaceful life
👑find the right people
👑emotional healing
👑pure kind energy
👑master of concentration and mindfulness
👑remove energetic debts
👑karma cleanse
👑Nemesis energy
👑get rid of chronic pain
👑find and fulfill your true purpose
👑and much more

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listen at least 3-7 times a day
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