Garbage Trucks: DSNY - New York's Strongest

Описание к видео Garbage Trucks: DSNY - New York's Strongest

The numbers behind the largest sanitation department in the world are staggering. 2,230 garbage trucks, 450 street sweepers, 7,200 uniformed sanitation workers. The men and women known as the city's strongest put in a hard, honest day's (or night's) work keeping the city clean. Much respect. This video goes out to them.

The Watsonator (Trashman242) and I caught a number of these clean white machines at work almost two years ago. Officially I don't think any of the crews are allowed to give us permission to film but none of them told us outright to get lost, so that was nice. The video features a couple DuraPack 5000s on LEUs doing trash, a couple sweepers making the rounds, and thanks to Scott's genius a split body rear loader in the heart of Little Poland; Greenpoint, Brooklyn. More of that truck to come. Thanks to Scott and all the crews we met. Filmed July 2015.


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