Party for Elizabeth Taylor as she celebrates 75th birthday

Описание к видео Party for Elizabeth Taylor as she celebrates 75th birthday

(28 Feb 2007) SHOTLIST
AP Entertainment
Las Vegas, 27 February 2007
1. Wide exterior of The Ritz Carlton sign
2. Wide exterior of The Ritz Carlton
3. Wide of Elizabeth Taylor entering the room
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Elizabeth Taylor/ Actor:
"It's really exciting."
(Reporter: You look phenomenal, how are you feeling?)
(Reporter: If you had one birthday wish, what would it be?)
"That is a secret."
(Reporter: What are you most proud of right now?)
"My children."
(Reporter: What is your secret to living to 75?)
"Hanging in."
(Reporter: Is this one of your jewelry designs that you are wearing?)
"Yes it is."
(Reporter: Tell us about it.)
"Well, I call it frost, because of the little iceberg things, not 'bergs, they look like icicles. Thank you so much."
(Reporter: Is your friend Michael (jackson) with you tonight?)
"No, he couldn't make it tonight, he has business things going on."
(Reporter: Debbie Reynolds is here.)
"I know."
(Reporter: When was the last time you saw each other?)
"A few months ago."
(Reporter: Your friends Siegfried and Roy are here too. Roy looks very healthy and very good."
"That is great, I can't wait to see him."
(Reporter: You look truly phenomenal, everybody wants to know what is the secret to looking so good?)
"Just living a very healthy, clean life. (bats eyelashes)"
(Reporter: Are you going to party right into the evening?)
"I hope so."
(Reporter: You only turn 75 once right?)
"Right on."
(Reporter: Any messages to the people of Las Vegas?)
"I love Las Vegas and I chose to have my big 75 here, because it is a fun place."
(Reporter: How is your love life?)
"Wouldn't you like to know."
(Reporter: Looking back at you past birthdays, is there one that stands out in particular?)
"This one."
(Reporter: Happy birthday Elizabeth.)
"Thank you."
5. Wide of Elizabeth Taylor
6. Medium of Elizabeth Taylor
7. Wide of Debbie Reynolds speaking to reporter
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Debbie Reynolds/ Actor:
"...Elizabeth and I many years ago has long past, so we are just happy to be here and celebrate her wonderful 75th birthday. You don't get there that often and I'm right with her."
9. Wide of Siegfried and Roy
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Siegfried/ Entertainer:
"...This time we always stay on stage and now we can do events like this and for a special friend like Elizabeth. We are very honoured to be invited and celebrate a great life of a great lady."
11. Medium of Kathy Ireland speaking to reporter
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Kathy Ireland/ Model:
"I think what makes Elizabeth Taylor an icon is the fact that she is so strong, she is so genuine, so brave and courageous. She doesn't so much care about what other people think, but if she sees something that is not right she is not lazy, she doesn't have a lazy bone in her body, and if she sees something that is not right, she does something about it. She is a woman of action and I love that."
13. Camera cutaway
14. Medium of Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher
15. Wide of birthday sign
A red carpet fit for a queen was laid out Tuesday (27 February 2007) for Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor, who celebrated her 75th birthday at a lavish party in Las Vegas.
"Family and friends" of Taylor booked the Medici Cafe and Terrace for the closed party at the Ritz-Carlton, hotel spokeswoman Marina Nicola said.
The guest list remained secret, but, in keeping with the occasion, 75 people were expected for dinner and cake at the resort, 17 miles east of the Las Vegas Strip.
But her immobility didn't stop her enjoying her 75th birthday with her friends and family.

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