Flood irrigated Pasture Cropping annuals in High PH Entisols to create Mollisols Profitably

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A lot of times we think of Pasture Cropping as a benefit to get more milk in the tank, or flesh on the bone, or bales in the yard. However, the hidden benefits can be underneath the soil surface. Deeper roots of more species enable mycelia and glomalin to kickstart organic matter and nitrate cycles in desert soils that lack combustion. All information that is a little above my pay grade, but 700 ewes and lambs on 7 acres for 7 days this spring, then over 400 ewes on the same 7 acres for 30 days so far this fall and great worm counts in an area where we often get 3 inches precip a year......Today, sheep on forage so tomorrow we can produce high protein certifiable organic grains!


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