Daily Grind

Описание к видео Daily Grind

Judged as 'Winner' for 2017 New Zealand Geographic Photographer of The Year in the time-lapse category.

Photographed around the shortest day, this time-lapse shows the daily grind of commuters travelling to and from their place of work in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand.

Some clips allow us to see beyond the reflective windows when day becomes night. We can observe office staff busy at work and others engaged in social interaction. Similarly, the highways and streets become the lifeblood of the city. It's a bit like looking into a giant ant farm.

Many of these scenes involved working with building managers and accommodation providers to get the unique point of view I aimed to achieve. I am grateful for their assistance.

All clips are available for licensing.

Music: 'Massive' by The Painted Pianos, licensed through Musicbed. Sound effects by Grant Findlay, grantfinlay.com


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