Harry Cohn Built Hollywood, and Everyone Hated Him for It

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Did you know that the man who created Columbia Pictures was a notorious sexual predator and that he made Rita Hayworth’s life a living hell? When Harry Cohn first came to Hollywood in the 1910s, the entertainment industry was nothing like the way we think of it as being today. In fact, Harry is often credited with being the man who built Hollywood! Harry did so as the head of Columbia Pictures, a job he performed for over three decades during Hollywood’s Golden Age. Despite the fact that Harry brought the studio to a position of power in the industry, he was a hated figure.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:52 - Body
08:07 - Outro

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The reason that Harry Cohn was despised throughout the industry was because he abused his power. Harry Cohn considered himself to be the dictator of his studio, and he exercised his power by listening in on his actors and sexually abusing his actresses. Harry is often thought of as being the person that popularized the notion of a studio executive offering a struggling actress a role in return for sexual favors.

One of the stars that shared some of the worst stories about Harry Cohn during her time was Rita Hayworth. According to Rita, Harry had expected the actress to start up a sexual relationship with him when she began working at Columbia Pictures. When it became apparent that the actress wasn’t interested, Harry did everything in his power to make her life a living hell. Join Facts Verse as we explore how Harry Cohn built Hollywood, and everyone hated him for it.

Harry Cohn Built Hollywood, and Everyone Hated Him for It


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