Become a Juri God With This Meaty Setups and Feng Shui Guide

Описание к видео Become a Juri God With This Meaty Setups and Feng Shui Guide

I love versatile characters like Juri. Turns out she's got so many tools I spent a couple of weeks recording material for her and there's still plenty of tech left to discover. In any case, this should be a great start to improving and getting to master Juri. Hope you enjoy. Cheers!

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0:00 Intro/Tech teaser
0:25 Agenda
0:34 BnB Meaty Setups (MS)
0:48 MS follow-up: overhead
0:53 MS trade combo follow-up
0:57 Real-match example of trade combo application
1:09 MS follow-up: low
1:13 MS follow-up: mid
1:18 MS trade combo follow-up
1:25 MS confirm and self-loop
1:37 OD fireball as DP bait
1:44 Auto-timed fireball MS loop
1:55 Double recharge tech
1:58 Fireball MS frame data
2:07 Fireball DR confirm
2:30 Fireball loop combo
2:45 Corner throw loop
3:14 Midscreen fireball setups & traps
4:06 Feng Shui utility tech
4:11 Feng Shui properties & MS
4:41 Feng Shui frame trap
4:54 Full screen block string stun setup
5:09 Safejump route
5:21 Fuzzy instant overhead combo + explanation
5:42 Instant overhead double overhead follow-up
5:48 Double-overhead starter combo
6:00 Outro

Tags: sf6, street fighter, street fighter 6, sfvi, sf vi, street fighter vi, Juri, guide, tutorial, tech, demo, combos, combo, meaty setup, setups, meaty setups, meaty setup, frame data, oki, okizeme, feng shui, feng shui engine

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