How to Build Confidence as a Nurse :)

Описание к видео How to Build Confidence as a Nurse :)
Hello again! Thank you so much for watching my YouTube Channel: EmpoweRN!
My name is Caroline Porter Thomas and my dream is to inspire nurses and nursing students along the way.
I'm a nurse living and working in Miami FL. I have been a nurse for 5 years! Along those years I have definitely been through some challenging times. There were times in my career where I lacked the much needed confidence to perform my job in the best way.
I used to be literally scared that I would make a huge mistake that would really be embarrassing. Although I'm not free from this fear completely, and I'm not sure I ever will be, I have learned that these experiences have shaped me to be the person that I am today.
I have also learned that though I may have these fearful limiting beliefs that I cannot prevent from coming to me... that I do have the power to choose what I give my attention to.
With this in mind I consciously choose to replace the fearful thought with this thought "Everything that happens to me will ultimately make me a better person." And if you think about this you can feel how true it is.
Thank you so much for watching and reading. I really feel like I have been given a mission to inspire Nurses and Nursing Students... every View, Comment and Like brings me closer to the realization that you are touched through this work. Thank you for your time, your participation and your love :)
If you ever need anything, please email me at [email protected].
I love you!
-Caroline Porter Thomas

These videos are intended for entertainment purposes only. Please follow the policy and procedures that your institution requires.
Please note that the views, ideas & opinions expressed on this channel and in the videos on this channel are not necessarily of those of my employer or institution. The views expressed on this channel and in the videos channel do not represent medical advice. If you have specific medical concerns, please contact your physician. In order to protect patient privacy, all patient identifiers in all videos have been deleted or altered.
The views expressed on this channel and in the videos on this channel are personal opinions. I am not an expert nor do I dispense medical advice or procedural specifications. The information I present is for general knowledge and entertainment purposes only. You need to refer to your own medical director, teachers and protocols for specific treatment information. It is your responsibility to know how best to treat your patient in your jurisdiction.

   • How to Build Confidence as a Nurse :)  


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