【Backing Track(for Guitar)】DOMINO LINE/CASIOPEA

Описание к видео 【Backing Track(for Guitar)】DOMINO LINE/CASIOPEA

CASIOPEAのアルバム"MINT JAMS"から、各パートのアドリブソロと"ドミノ倒し"がとにかくアツい名曲、"Domino Line"のギタープレイヤー向けバッキングトラック(カラオケ)です。



また、ソロのバックでなっている歓声のSEは 無料効果音で遊ぼう!(https://taira-komori.jpn.org/index.ht...


   • 【Backing Track(for Drummers)】DOMINO L...  

   • 【Backing Track(Full)】DOMINO LINE/CASI...  
"Domino Line" from "MINT JAMS/CASIOPEA"

From CASIOPEA's album "MINT JAMS," I present a guitarist-oriented backing track (karaoke) for the incredibly energetic masterpiece, "Domino Line," known for its ad-lib solos in each part and a "domino effect."

As a guitar backing track, all melody, solo, and backing parts have been omitted.

For the bass and drum solos, I've utilized the original audio source, along with reference from numerous "cover" videos available on YouTube where musicians play along to the track.

Additionally, the crowd cheers heard in the background during the solos are modified sound effects from "Let's Play with Free Sound Effects!" (https://taira-komori.jpn.org/index.html).

I express my gratitude for making these sounds available.


Информация по комментариям в разработке