'African river' aquarium biotope for reedfish - making of - Oase HighLine 400

Описание к видео 'African river' aquarium biotope for reedfish - making of - Oase HighLine 400

Enjoy this video of the build and follow-up of our 400 liter African river biotope made especially for reedfish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus). For this build we used exclusively animals & plants occurring in freshwater rivers in the african continent.

Tank & Equipment:
- Tank: Oase HighLine 400
- Lights: 1x Oase daylight, 2x Sera plantcolor, 1x Sera daylight sunrise
- Filter: Oase BioMaster 600 thermo with Sera siporax

- Neptune wood
- Maple leaf rock
- Sand mix

- Anubias congensis
- Anubias hastifolia
- Anubias nana
- Anubias nana 'mini'
- Aponogeton ulvaceus
- Bolbitis heudelottii
- Crinum calamistratum
- Lilaeopsis mauritiana
- Salvinia sp.

- Erpetoichthys calabaricus
- Neritina pulligera
- Pantodon buchholzi
- Pelvicachromis taeniatus 'Nigeria Red'
- Phenacogrammus interruptus
- Synodontis soloni


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