Easiest Way To Find The Center Of A Circle.

Описание к видео Easiest Way To Find The Center Of A Circle.

Affiliate Links:
Draw a fine line https://amzn.to/2LLtlMs
Precision scribe https://amzn.to/2LqeGr3
Handy Center Finder https://amzn.to/2LqsHVZ I keep this in the shop.
Best center finder for Woodturners https://amzn.to/2N8xptc
Precision Center Finder for Metal https://amzn.to/34EnFfR

Often times when doing a woodworking or metal fabricating project I find myself needing to determine the center of a circle. Sometimes finding that point is critical and needs to be precise. This time that wasn't the case, but this method will make finding the center easy. Thanks for watching. I hope you find this tip helpful.


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