Going Undercover as a New Healer [Zero to KSM Ep#1]

Описание к видео Going Undercover as a New Healer [Zero to KSM Ep#1]

World of Warcraft can be an intimidating game, and much of the content in Shadowlands assumes you've been playing for years and know the ins and outs. In this video I start fresh from a new level 60 and walk you through the journey of pugging my way up becoming a better mythic+ dungeon healer.

Full Zero to KSM Playlist:    • Dungeon Healer Guided Playthrough[Zer...  
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Wow Healer UI Video:    • Resto Druid UI Setup - Frequently Ask...  

I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos - I'd love to hear it in the comments.

0:00 Intro
1:45 UI Setup
7:22 Talents
8:38 New Player Experience
14:03 Dungeon 1
26:00 Dungeon 2


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