Children With REAL SuperPowers (Third Eye)

Описание к видео Children With REAL SuperPowers (Third Eye)

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Mission Statement:
Frank Elaridi’s goal is to be a catalyst for transformation in people's lives, to inspire them to take control of their spiritual and physical wellbeing, by sharing real people's experiences, providing useful information and resources. Our intention is to create content people connect with so they can pursue the best version of themselves. Our mission is to bring inspiration and information to everybody in the world. If you are human, you have the potential to be superhuman.

Expanded Mission:
The content on the Frank Elaridi YouTube page and website empowers all human beings who want to reach their highest physical and spiritual potential through inspirational and useful content. By consulting with practitioners of both ancient wisdom as well as modern science, we empower the world’s truth seekers, health junkies, and life enthusiasts to reach their full potential.

We believe that man is in control of his own life. As such, he should use both ancient and modern tools to rise above systems and limitations, and not subordinate to them.

The Frank Elaridi brand encompasses YouTube video series, website blogs and merchandise recommendations, pineal gland activation courses, fiction and non-fiction books that inspire, and a podcast with thought-leaders and influencers.

You can find more information about this work or contact Nicola by going to:

These children look like any other kids, but they have what some may call special superpowers, including the ability the read, write and play games, all while blindfolded.

Nicola Farmer teaches them to awaken these abilities from her home school located in Essex, England. Seeing the children run around, read books, and play games while blindfolded reminded me of the X-Men Academy.

Two of her students, Sonny and Lucy, spoke with me about their unique abilities.

Lucy told me anyone can learn how to do what she does, saying the "light" within her guides her sight.

After the popularity of my video "Girl Demonstrates Cool SuperPower" which featured Yogamaatha, who studied under the Guru Nithyananda, I was connected with Nicola, and fascinated to learn that there are people in the Western World who are doing the same thing.

Special thanks:
Nicola and John Farmer
LJ Vanier
Molly Teague (Singing "Greatest Love")
Greg Ash, Seth Ward, Joe Chen
The amazing children and their parents


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