StellaVanity arcade mode rank Ex ALL clear(Azerlete-S, strict rule, 2,935,578,220) [4K/60fps]

Описание к видео StellaVanity arcade mode rank Ex ALL clear(Azerlete-S, strict rule, 2,935,578,220) [4K/60fps]

Player: SS(me)

Twitch:   / silver_star_stg  

Turn on captions for extra explanations
Pretty scuffed early game
Pretty good lategame
Amazing Vier(Seriously, go watch 41:38)(almost matched my hit PB on her)
Also almost sure its world's first arcadeEx clear(and the highest quality SV replay too)
So, now about the game, or mostly, about type S
Oh boy, this thing does has alot of tools
First of all, there is lock on, which is simple, you hit enemy that is larger than popcorn with shot, you tag it
Then, there is assault which deals pretty good damage to all tagged enemies on screen
Sword is your melee attack(who wouldve thought) that hits really hard and recharges over time
If you have tagged big enemy and have enough sword gauge to perform at least 1 swing, pressing sword button will perform raid, which yeets you into said enemy and makes you do full sword combo, sword gauge can deplete below 0 with that
During raid youre completelly invincible(which also means that it triggers bombshield)
You can only raid bosses/midbosses when their current phase is low on hp(and that raid will finish it off in most cases)
Raid also enables you to do glitch with bombs for overkilling:
If you bomb, then press raid and press bomb with proper timing(i use autofire for that), you can use multiple bombs to score overkill damage
Ethereal shift is pretty much your hyper: it makes enemy bullets faster, disables lock on, machineguns assault at everything on screen, gives you infinite usage of sword and gives you much stronger, full screen clearing autobomb, forcefully ends when you get hit
Delayed shift is your kakusei: slows down bullets, makes stage enemies shoot more bullets and cancels bullets shot by an enemy whenever you kill that enemy, forcefully ends when you bomb or die
Both shifts fill up by overkilling and dealing damage to (mid)boss and during bosses ethereal also fills up from bullet cancels
Counter shift fills up by bullet cancelling during delayed shift, and occurs whenever delayed ends, clearing bullets and hitting enemies with radius and damage depending on charge(always full screen on bosses)
Overdrive pmuch just makes everything you have stronger and is used by holding down bomb key(will also consume the bomb and give short iframes+small cancel)
So, now about scoring and overkills
Whenever you kill non-zako enemy while damaging it with sword or assault, it enters overkill state and you can score overkill damage on it(enemy will not shoot during that)
When you get overkill without having active chain, you get active chain depending on enemies you caught in overkill, previous chain value, gem and gold counter and amount of enemies you caught in overkill
When you get overkill while having active chain you get chain multiplier increased
You cannot overkill while having either of shifts active(except for bosses), nor can you drop chain during that
Chain will forcefully drop if you exit either of shifts or use raid
Chain value pmuch affects any source of point in the game, except for stage clear bonus
So does multiplier(not to be confused with chain multiplier) which is raised by collecting coins
On bosses, you enter overkill state if you finish off boss phase while having ethereal active
Pattern will become faster over time in that state but you can pummel boss with damage until ethereal ends, or until you get hit
Getting hit during boss overkill does not punishes you in any way other than prematurely ending overkill: you dont get any of your resources depleted, you dont even get hit counter increased
TLB you meet gets calculated depending on hit counter, difficulty, rank, shottype and whether you have autobomb on or off
Having rank EX means youre guaranteed to meet TTLB Vier regardless of any other condition
To qualify as type S you need to score first 4 stages
Whenever you qualify you get more wide options for picking next stage you go to
If you then pick next stage in chronological order, you rank up
Qualifying on stage 4 while being on r3 will give you rank EX(displayed as orange 4), the only rank you can loose
You lose EX and go back to 4, if any of following requirements met:
2 hits on stage 5
2 hits on stage 6
4 hits on stage 7 before rank lock happens(a tiny bit before gates open)
Autobomb counts as hit
So does ethereal break or deathbomb(if you have AB off)
So, to meet TTLB you need to do entire game at max rank while barely getting any hits before rank lock
I also assume you cant meet any of TLBs on creditfeed runs and TLBs themselves limit amount of continues you have to 1


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