NBA 2K15 My Team Pack Opening - NEW Point Guard Packs! AMAZING OR NAH? Xbox One

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NBA 2K15 MyTeam Pack Opening - NEW Packs! PG Style!
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Here we are with: NBA 2K15 My Team Pack Opening - 100K VC VIP Pack Opening Bundle! NBA 2K15 PS4 Gameplay here!

GT: Lost N Unbound
PSN: RealLostNUnbound

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About LostNUnbound:
What’s good everybody?! My name is LostNUnbound AKA Greg! I love basketball and I love interacting with people, so Youtube is awesome for that! I just wanted to say that I love you all, you guys truly mean so much to me. I doubt you’re reading this since it’s at the bottom lol, but if you are, I just wanted to say thanks 🙂

NBA 2K15 My Team Pack Opening - NEW Point Guard Packs! AMAZING OR NAH? Xbox One
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