The Archivist (Oathbreakers)

Описание к видео The Archivist (Oathbreakers)

Song - The Archivist - (Lackey/Fish)
Michael Longcor Vocalist (Jadrek) , Greg Shaver Guitar, Cecilia Eng Arrangement, midi programming.
Album - Oathbreakers
You can purchase this album at the link below


I sit amid the dusty books
The dust invades my very soul
It coats my heart with weariness and chokes it with despair
My life lies beached and withered on a lonely, bleak, uncharted shoal
There are no kindred spirits here to understand or care

When I was young, how often I would feed my hungry mind with tales
And sought the fellowship in books I did not find in kin
For one does not seek friends when every overture to others fails
So all the company I craved I built from dreams within

Those dreams – from all my books of lore I plucked the wonders one by one
And waited for the day that I was certain was to come
When some new hero would appear whose quest had only now begun
With desperate need of lore and wisdom I alone could plumb

And then, ah then, I’d ride away to join with legend and with song
The trusted friend of heroes, figured in their song and deeds
Until that day, among the books I’d dwell – but I have dwelt too long
And like the books I sit alone, a relic no one needs

I grow to old, I grow too old, my aching bones have made me lame
And if my futile dream came true, I could not live it now
The time is past, long past, when I could ride the wings of fleeting fame
The dream is dead beneath the dust, as ’neath the dust I bow

So, un-regarded and alone I tend these fragments of the past
Poor fool who bartered life and soul on dreams and useless lore
And as I watched despair and bitterness enclose my heart at last
Within my soul’s dark night I cry out,
“Is there nothing more?”


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