第三十九期 明心见性上

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溯源远古文明,继承中国传统文化,弘扬国学智慧! 内容涉及中华文明溯源、远古神话、考古知识、儒道释,以及现代生命学、能量学说、比较神话学等。 古今夜话以全新的视角,另类的角度,讲述历史中的好故事、讲好故事中的历史!【🚫未经作者授权禁止转载】

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#佛教 #明心见性 #梵文 #读书 #中华文化 #人文 #神话 #祖先 #学佛 #念佛 #修行 #往生 #中国传统文化 #阿弥陀佛 #念佛往生 #传统文化 #念佛法门 #净土宗 #传统文化 #儒释道 #佛教 #周易 #易经 #国学 #中华文明溯源

Tracing back to ancient civilizations, inheriting traditional Chinese culture, and promoting the wisdom of traditional Chinese studies! The content involves tracing the origin of Chinese civilization, ancient myths, archaeological knowledge, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, as well as modern biology, energy theories, comparative mythology, etc. Through a new perspective and alternative angles, 'Ancient meets Modern' narrates great stories from history, and reveal the history within these great stories! 【🚫Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, distribution of this video, without prior written consent from the copyright owner, is strictly prohibited.】


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