Cathay Stories: Preparing For Take-Off 國泰故事:準備再起航

Описание к видео Cathay Stories: Preparing For Take-Off 國泰故事:準備再起航

Throughout the pandemic, ensuring our passengers’ safety has always been our priority. A significant part of this effort came in keeping idle aircraft in the Alice Springs desert protected and fly ready.

Now, we are progressively bringing the fleet home to continue their next journey. How do we manage this unprecedented operation involving multiple locations around the world? With lots of planning, coordination, and even more heart.

Watch the video and stay tuned for more #CathayStories:



立即觀看短片了解更多,並密切留意陸續登場的 #國泰故事。

#cathaypacific #movebeyond
#國泰航空 #志在飛躍


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