Electromechanical Technology at Franklin CareerTech

Описание к видео Electromechanical Technology at Franklin CareerTech

http://www.franklinctc.com Mechatronics is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in the electromechanical field and/or enrolling into a post-secondary institution. The students are provided with the knowledge and experience in the areas of:
The Franklin County Career and Technology Center is the major educational resource for career and technical training for both high school students and adults for the I-81 corridor north from the MD state line to the greater Harrisburg area. Currently, over 700 secondary-aged students and 300 adult day and evening students attend classes at FCCTC in over 30 different concentrations.
ust about every career and technical program that we offer at our school provides the opportunity for you to acquire college credits before you leave high school. Plus, you will get credentialed training leading to industry certification in most program areas offered at FCCTC. The goal is for you to get a jump start on your college career while also possessing industry certification in the career field of your choice. THAT is what makes you attractive to an employer and THAT is what will make you big bucks after you graduate from high school.
Call (717) 263-9033 or visit http://www.franklinctc.com for more information.


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