Heritage protection in Hallstatt - a textbook-like communication crisis in Austria

Описание к видео Heritage protection in Hallstatt - a textbook-like communication crisis in Austria

The village of Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria is famous for its rich archaeological heritage. The burial ground from iron age and the prehistoric salt production have been providing new impulses for research over more than 160 years. Since 1997, the town of Hallstatt, together with three other municipalities, and the landscape around the mountain Dachstein has been one of the world's few UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites, which are also World Natural Heritage sites.
An attempt by the Heritage Protection Office in 2010, to put a part of the village called “Markt” under ensemble protection, initiated one of the biggest communication crises in the history of the Austrian heritage protection. The information about the plans had reached the inhabitants and community workers only on detours. This led to massive public protests, which have spread widely in media. The course of the crisis can be described as textbook-like. The massive protest of the inhabitants of Hallstatt is even more remarkable, as it has been the local population, which prevented the construction of a lakefront road in the 1960s. This would have destroyed large parts of the village, but was approved by
the heritage protection office back then. The conflict still lingers today and is a detriment to the monuments of Hallstatt, because a large part of the population still takes a negative attitude towards the conservation measures in the village. This rejection can lead to the fact that requirements of the heritage protection office are not fulfilled. The lecture uses the example of Hallstatt to trace the classic course of communication crises, thus demonstrating the importance of communication in management in archeology and heritage protection. Possible counter-measures in the individual phases of the conflict are shown.

Author: Magistra Loew, Carmen - Kuratorium Pfahlbauten (Presenting author)


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