How to Fill Out Candidate Data in Musaned System | Musaned Training Part، 2 | OEP Guide

Описание к видео How to Fill Out Candidate Data in Musaned System | Musaned Training Part، 2 | OEP Guide

musaned training ( Part. 2 )
Dear Viewers ! This video will guide you on how to enter candidate data into the seat, and which forms to fill up, when you are asked for candidate data on the seat before becoming a lawyer at your agency.
NOTE : Remember to get the medical of the candidate first because if there is any problem in his medical and he fails, it will cost 500 riyals to change the lawyer. Because once the candidate's data is entered, it will not be canceled again and then a new lawyer will have to be formed.

link address :

musaned Training part 1 link :    • Musaned Training (Part 1) /OEP online...  
video link part 2 :   • How To Check out Candidate Contract i...  

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