Solo Travel Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, Houseboat Museum, Amsterdam's Oldest Bakery & Oldest House 2024

Описание к видео Solo Travel Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, Houseboat Museum, Amsterdam's Oldest Bakery & Oldest House 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Today is my third day here in Amsterdam, so many places to see, but I took it a little slower than usual today since I have a long day tomorrow in The Hague and Rotterdam.

The places I visited are as follows.

Number 1, Rijksmuseum. I wanted to see the Night Watch painting done by Rembrandt in 1642. There were other things such as ornate furniture and other types of art.

Number 2, Houseboat Museum. It is about living in one, it used to be cheaper than apartments.

Number 3, Hans Egstorf Bakery. It is the oldest bakery in the city and many people recommend it. I had stroopwafels. Two thin waffles glued together by syrup. It is good.

Number 4, Oldest House in Amsterdam. Built in 1485, it is one of the only two houses made of wood. Since 1520, houses had to be built out of bricks or concrete.

Enjoy the video.

00:12 Summary of Today's Travel in Video
02:47 Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
04:32 Houseboat Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
05:08 Hans Egstorf Bakery, Oldest in Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
05:45 Oldest House in Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
06:08 Plans for Tomorrow


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